Tuesday, December 1, 2009

K.A.C. 2009 - T - 24 ...

We begin today with a Public Service Message ... remember, kids, DON'T light the fireplace when Santa comes down the chimney, or you get something Really Bad, like what just went down in Santa Catarina, Brazil (how's that for irony?) - the whole story is here: www.geekologie.com/2009/11/be_safe_this_holiday_season_el.php

On a happier note, continuing with yesterday's Sci-Fi Santa theme, here are a few more images along the same lines that gave me a smile - hope they'll do the same for you: media.photobucket.com/image/pulp christmas/comicsonthebrain/pulps/pulp-santa-galaxy-dec54.jpg


Last (and very possibly least), a little something extra - although it's not Christmas related, as such, I know how bitterly disappointed you faithful readers would be without SOME daily dose of weirdness, so here you go: trust me on this one and stick with it to the end! www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mVpGmoES3w

Back tomorrow!

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