Today is Reader's Submission day, where I turn the entries over to items you have sent in - first, Peiwen (a regular contributor) sent me this fine cartoon - I know Thanksgiving is over, but it's STILL funny!
Next, a number of you have alerted me to what seems to be the 'must-have' gift this year for the Very Weird Set: I am talking about the Beard Cap/Beard Hat! Here's an example below ... and since I KNOW you're going to want one for your very own, here's where to order it!

Planning a trip over the holidays? Hey, anybody can go home to see the folks --- this year, why not go somewhere REALLY unique? Like where, you ask? How about Valchiusella, Italy? What's there, you ask? Only the Eighth Wonder of the World !!! It's official name is 'The Temples of Damanhur' and it is located undergeround, with such sights as the Hall of the Earth, the Hall of Mirrors, the Hall of Spheres and more! Thanks to Debbie for the link - read more about it here!
Stuck for shopping ideas? This year, give the gift of embarassment! In case Sketchy Santas and those horrendous Christmas card photos weren't enough for you, then this site (courtesy of Tracy) will help you re-live those High School Horrors ... be warned, though: YOU may be in here! Check out 'My Prom Outfit From Hell' !!!
Betty must be psychic ... just as I'm wrapping this entry up, she sends along the latest from JibJab ... 'The History of Christmas'! Thank you, ma'am!
More tomorrow!
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