Think all we post here are cheesy Christmas films? Think again! The good folks over at XmasFlix.com have come through like the troupers they are and have found a real rarity: a 1951 short from Centron Films called A Day of Thanksgiving. When Mom breaks it to the kids that times are tough and there may not be any turkey for Thanksgiving this year, they go into whine mode and bitch and moan about how unfair that is. Dad comes home, hears their complaining and proceeds to lay the smackdown on their sorry asses, making them sit at the Thanksgiving table and think about the things that they're thankful for - before they get a morsel of food! Just wait until you see what MOM is thankful for ... EEEK!!!
There's one link that I COULD post today, but won't. If you saw the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double feature homage film GRINDHOUSE, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. If you didn't ... in addition to the two features, they invited their friends to shoot fake trailers for exploitation films that could have been shown back in the prime grindhouse era of the 1970s and '80s ... Eli Roth made a NOTORIOUSLY OUTRAGEOUS slasher trailer called THANKSGIVING that had the audience I saw it with shriek out loud ... if you're interested, go to YouTube and type it in ... it is NOT FOR KIDS OR THE SQUEAMISH!!! As the narrator says in the trailer, "White meat ... dark meat ... all will be carved!"
We'll close today with another favorite Doc Savage 'fantasy/what if' cover by artist Keith "Kez" Wilson. I featured his mash-up book cover in my Thanksgiving entry from last year, and he's back again with another fine one, called "Turkey Terror".
May YOU have a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful day ... prepare yourself, though, as starting tomorrow, with that tackiest of days, the "shopping holiday" known as Black Friday, the K.A.C. shifts into high gear for our final month of weirdness! Everything you're read before was just a warm-up to this ... and what could be a more appropriate entry than this year's edition of the Worst Christmas Toys of the Year? Be here and be afraid!
Kez Wilson's DOC SAVAGE knock-ups are always fun! Where did you get this one, though? I have his cover gallery on my Favorites, but it doens't this on there. Thanks!