With the holidays fast approaching, folks are flocking to the stores, bringing their lists and checking them twice ... no, I'm not talking about their TOY list, I'm talking about their GROCERY list! Why? Because in addition to everything else looney about this time of year, it's all about the F O O D !!!
Let's take a moment, give Christmas a break and talk about the OTHER holiday just around the corner - the one that is SO associated with food, it is even nicknamed "Turkey Day" - yes, the tryptophanic terror known as Thanksgiving. Of course, you COULD show up at the feast with the traditional fare (turkey, stuffing, pies, etc.) ... OR you could blow the family and friends away with something unbelievable ... like a GINGERBREAD TARDIS !!! Just make sure your appetite is bigger on the inside than on the outside (or at the very least, know where the bathroom is)! Oh, yes, it's real - and if you're up to the challenge, here is how you can make your very own!
If you REALLY want to push your luck (or if you have someone who comes every year who eats you out of house and home), try bringing a few of THESE disgusting delectables to your soiree ...

coffee beans that are regurgitated by weasels. The beans are then harvested (picked up) to make this fine flavored coffee." You know you want to try this ... here you go!
What's that, you say? All of a sudden you're not thirsty? Not a problem ... let's move on to the main course. Remember, ANYONE can bring turkey to Thanksgiving dinner ... show off your cooking skills with Purple Honey Flavored Sausages ... "served piping hot!"

NO? Oh, c'mon, live a little - it's the holidays, after all! Tell you what, just dip those bad boys in a nice big tin of Red Curry Giant Water Bugs! Mmm, mmm, that's good eatin'! :)

Those folks who don't like the gingerbread Tardis can look forward to your OTHER desserts, like the Chocolate Covered Cockroaches, the Squid Flavored Ice Cream or (my personal favorite) Crushed Pearls in a Lollipop! And don't forget the after-dinner treat of the Musk Flavored Lifesavers!
Mouth watering yet? Well, here you go! The link to all these taste treats can be found here (with additional links on where to order them)!
Bon appetit! More tomorrow!
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