Moving on ... last Christmas Eve, the folks in Beijing, China, reported the arrival of a real-life superhero. She goes by the moniker 'Chinese Redbud Woman' and her super powers include giving food and other materials to the homeless and poor. Who is she? Where does she come from? Who knows ... does it matter? It's her message that's important, that of helping those less fortunate at this time of the year. Read all about her below:
Our final gift to you for the 2012 season (as it is every year at the K.A.C.) is our annual Christmas scary tale (see my blog entries for December 24th, 2010 and December 23rd, 2011). It's traditional to have a Christmas ghost story every year, but just this once, we're going to break with tradition due to the extreme rarity of our find. From November 1st, 1945, as heard on the radio show SUSPENSE, we present H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror"! It's in three parts, with Ronald Coleman as Henry Armitage. I'm particularly taken with the accompanying photos, maps, etc., that Lemming013 put together to accompany this tale. So turn down the lights and listen to this touching tale of Lavinia Whateley's precocious son Wilbur ... and someone (or something) else. (Sadly, the comic at right is just a mock-up *sigh*) - My thanks to my co-worker Mary for finding this radio rarity!

And with that, it's time for me to shuffle off for another year. Thank you all for joining me on our crazy Christmas trip through the frivolous and the fabulous - hope you'll (or is that Yule?) join me again next year! Until then, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and may you all have a Happy and Healthy New Year!