If you've been following the K.A.C. for lo, these many years, you know we always feature a look at the Neiman-Marcus "Wish Book", featuring the most outrageously expensive, one-of-a-kind gifts that any SANE person wouldn't spend their money on. But there's always that "what if ..." faction who wishes they could buy some such trinket (such as these lovelies above). And that's where we come in. Far be it from us here at the K.A.C. to just SHOW you these things, we'll also show you how YOU (yes, YOU!) can afford it! How, you ask? The answer lies in yesterday's article ... no, you dope, not through the mad goblin Kallikantzaros (although I like the way you think!) - through El Gordo, the world's oldest (and biggest) lottery held every Christmas season since 1812. Read all about it here (but you're on your own for getting tickets!) - http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1868104,00.html

Back to Earth with more tomorrow!
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