THE BRASS BOTTLE also ran as a Broadway play in 1910, then was made as a silent short in 1914. It was remade as a silent feature in 1923 by First National Pictures, the same studio that made the famous silent film version of THE LOST WORLD. Sadly, both the 1914 short and the 1923 feature are lost films, although lobby cards from the silent feature remain (see right). Having said that, I have had luck twice in tracking down "lost" films before (THE MAGICIAN from 1926 and NIGHT LIFE OF THE GODS from 1935 - both of which will be covered in future articles), so anything is possible. For now, though, we are left only with these tantalizing photos.
Fast forward to 1964 - Tony Randall had established himself as a comic actor of some note, both as a leading man and a sidekick in romantic comedies to such stars as Rock Hudson, Debbie Reynolds and Doris Day. Immensely personable and a genuinely funny man (his multiple appearances on The Tonight Show and other talk shows cemented his reputation as a raconteur; he was one of Johnny Carson's favorite guests), he was the perfect choice as the hapless Harold Ventimore, who has to deal with the unique problem of a too-helpful genie (Burl Ives) and the ever-snowballing chaos his "help" creates. Co-starring with Randall in the film as his fiancee Sylvia Kenton was Barbara Eden, who had her own successful career (and who had just co-starred with Randall earlier in the year in the George Pal fantasy 7 FACES OF DR. LAO (see my March 23rd, 2010 entry). One year later, she would achieve the biggest success of her career as a genie herself, in the television series I DREAM OF JEANNIE (1965 - '70), which was inspired by this film.

Returning home, he tells his sad tale to his long-time beatnik friends, Seymour and Hazel Jenks (Richard Erdman and Kathie Browne). They commiserate with him and want to go out on a night on the town, but he begs off and goes up to his second floor apartment to try and open the bottle. The seal is on tight, so Harold uses a hammer and chisel to dislodge it, in the process hitting his head on the floor. When he arises, it is to the smell of smoke and the sound of chanting.

That night, Harold has arranged to have the Kentons come to his place for dinner, in order to show Professor Kenton what a frugal and practical man he is, and what a prospective good match he will be for his daughter. He has asked his housekeeper and cook, Mrs. McGruder (Nora Marlowe) to cook a simple meal (of cream of tomato soup and fried chicken). The Jenks' wanted to make the meal all avant-garde, but are shot down by Harold. Sadly, even when discussing a menu, things go awry:
Mrs. McGruder: "You didn't say what vegetables you want with the chicken?"
Harold (while looking out the window): "Oh, peas, carrots ... CAMELS!"
Fakrash has struck again - knowing of the upcoming dinner, he has taken it upon himself to impress the Kentons of Harold's worth as a suitor ... by sending a caravan of camels and servants to the house, laden with treasures of every description. The Jenks' are delighted, the neighbors are astonished ... and the police would like to have another word with Harold. Eddie and Joe return, with this exchange taking place:
Harold: "I swear to you, officer, I have never seen these camels before in my life!"
The police order the caravan off the street, so Harold has them all stored in his garage. He goes back to his apartment to find Fakrash waiting. Harold asks him to get rid of the camels and gifts, as the police are writing up tickets in regards to them. Fakrash makes them all vanish and instead turns Harold's attention to some chests on his table. Opening the first one, Harold sees it full of gold bullion. He says:
"Holy Toledo! You robbed Fort Knox!
Fakrash: "I robbed nobody ... I make my own gold."
Harold: "What a handy hobby!"
Fakrash: "How do you like it?"
Harold: "It's perfect! Wait a minute, what am I thinking? This is worse than making gold - this is counterfeiting!"
Fakrash: "Counterfeiting?"
Harold: "Only the Federal Government has the right to make money."
Fakrash: "Why?"
Harold: "Because that's the way it's done, that's all! And they frown on do-it-yourself kits!"
Fakrash gets more and more annoyed with this - the more he tries to reward Harold and help him out, the worse he seems to make things. But he is not to be thwarted and tells Harold he will keep trying. He leaves and Harold goes on to work. He returns home to get ready for dinner, only to find Mrs. McGruder heading out the door and demanding her money before she storms off. When he asks where she's going and what about the dinner arrangements, she replies, "You can let your heathen caterers worry about that!" Harold groans and rushes upstairs to find his worst fears exceeded: the genie has turned his apartment into a sultan's palace, complete with a seneschal, bowing slaves, musicians, elaborate furnishings, curtains, carpets ... and a reflecting pool. Fakrash wisely decides to stay away this time and refuses to appear ... but the Kentons do.
The seneschal ushers them upstairs and they are amazed at what they find. Harold tries to pass it all off as a new caterer, but his story is getting worse and worse. While Sylvia is amused by it all, her father is not and is getting more irritated by the minute. The musicians start to play and serving girls slowly process, sprinkling the guests with myrrh and frankincense. Then the dinner is presented.

With that, Fakrash finally reappears. When Harold complains that, thanks to him,, his engagement to Sylvia is now most likely permanently ruined, the genie replies, "I'll admit Miss Kenton is not without charm, but she is no comparison to the beauties who adorn the court of King Solomon - say the word and I'll bring you a hundred wives to replace her."
Harold: "Don't be ridiculous."
Fakrash: "Fifty?"

Fakrash: "A revolting waste of manpower."
Fakrash then decides Harold will wed his cousin, Tezra el-Jamal (Kamala Devi) , an afreet of the Green Jinn (and also the woman with whom he got in trouble with King Solomon). He summons Tezra to appear and presents her to Harold, who still says he only wants to marry Sylvia. Hurt by this, Tezra asks if he would consent to have her as one of his lesser wives. When Fakrash tells her of the 'one husband-one wife' policy of modern times, she is delighted ... and refuses to leave! Fakrash can do nothing with her, so leaves himself. Harold is panic stricken ... now he's got Tezra on his hands, as well as his other headaches. Seeing as she can't go around Pasadena in her harem outfit, he goes out to buy her modern clothes.
Now at his lowest ebb, Harold goes back inside and demands Fakrash appear - the genie arrives and is told of the situation. Harold asks him to go to the Kenton's home and convince them of his true identity, to try and straighten the mess out. Always eager to please, Fakrash departs and talks to Professor Kenton in his study. Rather than believing him, Kenton accuses Fakrash of being a fraud and worse, putting his hands on the genie and forcing him out of his house. Fakrash has had enough, and curses the professor, saying, "Contemptible one, thou hast sealed thy fate! Since thou are stubborn as a mule, then thou shall become one!"
Mrs. Kenton: "Harold, are you in there?"
Harold: "I am, but Professor Kenton isn't, just a dirty old mule!"
Sylvia: "Did he say mule?"
Mrs. Kenton: "On our wedding night, he brought home a goat!"
Establishing the mule is really Professor Kenton, Harold tries to reason with him, explaining he's the only one who can get him out of this predicament. He leads the animal out of the house and into his car,
driving off to find the genie and demand he return the professor to his natural form. Suddenly, the car goes out of Harold's control and heads into oncoming traffic, which magically reverses itself - Fakrash is once again having his fun! Harold resignedly gives up and lets the genie do the driving ... as a man and a mule in a convertible go on a joyride through the city and out into the countryside. They finally arrive at their location, where Fakrash has set up a sign exclaiming the area to be the new location of Ventimore City. The genie will only release the Professor from his present form if Harold goes into the real estate business with him as his partner (having taken the time to study the modern world - more or less - and figures this is how to make money), essentially blackmailing him. At first, Harold refuses, but with a crying mule on one side and a stubborn jinn on the other, he at last has to relent. As Fakrash puts it, "Aren't you ashamed of the things you make me do to assist you?" He then transports the professor back home, in human form, but drunk to explain his disappearance.
Fast forward to a short time later at the partner's office, where everything is going wrong. Fakrash has put a full page ad in the paper selling their brand new homes in Ventimore City for $4000, instead of $14,000, causing mass riots, traffic jams and Federal, County and State officials demanding a court hearing to find out how the homes can be sold so low. Once again Fakrash leaves Harold holding the proverbial bag and when he tries to tell them the truth, he is slapped into an asylum, complete with straightjacket.
The genie returns (from a quick tropical vacation) and agrees to be with Harold at his sanity hearing. Arriving in full regalia, he tells his story to the court. When they refuse to believe him, he levitates and flies out of the room, returning in a flash with the presiding senator's gavel from his office in Washington, D.C. The psychiatrist and other panel members pass it off as mass hypnosis or other trickery, angering Fakrash, who says, "My patience is exhausted! Trickery, thou sayest? Small minds deserve small bodies to match!" He shrinks the panel and tosses them into the water pitcher on the table, while Harold quickly throws in a pencil as a life preserver.

The scene shifts back to the beginning of the film, with Harold and Sylvia waiting to go to lunch. Samuel Wackerbath arrives and requests Harold's help in designing Wackerbath City. He asks the young couple to join him and his new partner and his wife for lunch to discuss it ... and in walks Fakrash and Tezra! As they all head out, Fakrash gives one long, scathing glance at the office lamp, which looks suspiciously like the kumkum he came (came) out of!
While researching the background and promotional materials for the film, I came across a couple of interesting items: first is this picture of some conceptual artwork for a BRASS BOTTLE float that I'm assuming was being considered for the annual Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. I've found nothing to show that this float was actually made, but I like the design, especially with the 'magic carpet' motif. Had it gone into production, it would have had a star of the film on the float to wave to the crowd, and given the costume here, I would guess it would have been either Kamala Devi or Lulu Porter.
Which brings us to our second surprising find regarding this film. Lulu Porter was more known as a singer than an actress (she played the belly dancer in the film) - turns out she recorded a tie-in song to the movie (!) called (what else?) "Brass Bottle". It actually had a release as a single - I had never known about it before today! You can hear it hear at this YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIGtnlw31Ok .


The film is available on DVD through Amazon and other online retailers (as part of the Universal Vault Series) and is recommended for all Conjure Cinema enthusiasts. And with that, it's time for this genie to head back in his bottle until we meet again!
NEXT TIME: We make a MONUMENTAL shift of gears with one of the strangest films in our history ... we STILL don't know if we love it or hate it! Join us as we take a head-scratching gander at the 1968 occult opus THE MAGUS!