And wouldn't you know it? Today's entry concerns none other than our old K.A.C. mascot, KRAMPUS! I've reported on so many aspects of 'Santa's Little Helper' over the years that now, whenever there's a spot of news with some new item about him, I'm INUNDATED with posts! :) Well, there could be worse things to be known for, I suppose ...

Anyways, mark your calendars if you live in the general New England area! I had mentioned last year how much I would love to someday see an actual Krampuslauf (Krampus parade), but that, sadly, they only have them in Europe. Well, guess who's come to America? Ol' Horn Head himself! Actually a number of cities are now sponsoring these parades, including the Krampus Walk, being held this year on Saturday, December 3rd (TODAY !!!), from 7PM - midnight in East Providence, Rhode Island. It's sponsored by the Krampus of New England community - here's what they have to say about it: "Celebrating the long tradition of Krampus,we will walk about the east side of Providence, stopping at various locations for drinks and food. Make much merriment, family friendly atmosphere. We're gonna have a donation box for Toys For Tots as well."
So you have one of two choices - you can either go and see the Parade and enjoy all the rampaging Krampuses/Krampii (???) --- OR if you've got the desire, ambition and talent, you can dress up and BE a Krampus yourself! It's too late in the game to enter this year's Parade, but if you have any sort of costuming expertise and are interested, they're always interested in having MORE Krampuses join them! If you want to join them, all the details can be found on their Facebook page, which you can find here:
By the way, if you'd like to see what a traditional Krampuslauf looks like, take a gander at this video:

Coming Tomorrow: Trees, glorious trees! Our look at the strangest coniferous custodians of your presents, complete with odd ornaments and more!
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