Various news sources around the country have been reporting this year on the Christmas trees you bring home being infested with BUGS, the most notorious of the lot being the spotted lanternfly (seen at left). Read all about your new neighbors the moment you bring them into your warm, cozy home here:

My favorite part of this article is how to avoid these Christmas Critters: "The good news is if you go to a farm, most have mechanical tree shakers to take care of crawling critters. "A mechanical shaker will usually dislodge any potential intruders and eggs, in addition to getting rid of loose pine needles," Nancy Troyano, a medical entomologist and director of technical education and training for pest control company Rentokil Steritech, told Realtor.
You can also shake the tree yourself in the parking lot." Uh, huh ...or you can use MY patented method see below ...
MUCH more effective!
Coming Tomorrow: The 2018 edition of our Kringle's Khristmas Kuties Kwiz - get those thinking caps on!
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