Friday, December 15, 2023

K.A.C. 2023 - T - 10 Days ...

1966 - Overshadowing every other Christmas story this year is the debut of the legendary Dr. Seuss animated holiday special, How The Grinch Stole Christmas. Aside from Krampus, The Mean One here has been the K.A.C.'s longest inhabitant - and yet, there's always something new to share about him. Case in point: an excellent overview of the show from The Goods Film Review below:

     Want more proof our 'nasty, wasty sort' has been with us a while? Take a look at our 2016 entry that kicked off that season, all about Santa Flasks and the Grinch Drinking Game ... not that you'd NEED that in today's day and age ...

     We're going to concede the year to the Green One here and take this time to catch up on some Poinsettia Potpourri we haven't found room to run until now. Let's shake out the stocking and see what hits the floor:

    - We'll start with Odd Ornaments, the 2023 edition, including Bibo here ... please don't ask!!! *Sigh* - OK, here's the link ... but you MUST watch the accompanying video for the Full Effect Of The Cult Of BIBO! Justin von Bosau, YOU in particular! :)

    - Bibo-Mania commences below: 

     - Ornaments Link (Bibo, Bibo, Bibo ...): 

    - Next, a follow up to yesterday's post with Even MORE Vintage Christmas Food Fails - I'd LIKE to say the 'Noel Glazed Ham' at left is the worst thing you're going to run into here, but that would be a Bald-Faced Lie! CONSUME, Bibo commands it (Bibo, Bibo, Bibo ...):  

     - Lastly, we take a look at ... "say, did that ham taste funny to anyone else? I don't know, man, I must be hallucinating - don't laugh, honest to God, I'm seeing TINKERBELL flying in front of my eyes right now! What? Why am I in a dress? Mind your own business!" Well - let's try that again. We end with a look, courtesy of MyHistoryFix, at vintage toys going Way Back - that's right, THIS is what we did for fun! Honestly, though, this ViewMaster pic is where I got my original love of all things 3-D, starting with these toys and comics back in the day to my OBSESSION with 3-D Blu-rays today. Well, at least it's Tinkerbell in front of my eyes, and not ("DON'T SAY IT!!!") BIBO! Oh, no ...

     We may or may NOT be back tomorrow with a look at 1967 - it all depends on the grace of BIBO ...



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