Tuesday, December 24, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 01 Days ...


     1998 - There can be only one Christmas video, as far as the KAC and its followers are all concerned for this year (we're all 12, have you heard?) - it's SNL's 'Schweddy Balls' sketch from their Christmas show of the year:


     There were numerous follow ups to the sketch over the years, none equaling its greatness, but one that came quite close from 2010, featuring the immortal Betty White and her 'Dusty Muffins'!'


     OK, since this is our last entry of the year, we'll try to end on a more scholastic note with a few historical entries. First up, from the BBC comes 'Dark Christmas: Seven seasonal monsters from myth and legend'. Many of them we've covered before, but there's some others that are new to us:


     Next, from CNN Style, 'Dress Codes: Why Santa Claus wears a red and white suit': 




      And the most scholarly piece of the year goes to Roger J. Horne and his look at just HOW far back some of these traditions go. Thanks to Laura for the link!






     We couldn't leave without our annual Christmas Ghost Story, could we? How about five? A surfeit of spooky delights rounds off our final entry below with 'Ghosts of Christmas Past: Five haunting Scottish tales':


     And with that, we're done.Thank you for coming along with us for another year. We're going into hibernation (well, we 'might' wait until the 26th!) - Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule and Happy New Year to one and all. See you next year, bright and early, on December 1st, 2025!






Monday, December 23, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 02 Days ...


     1997, the year Barney the Dinosaur died a spectacular death at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in front of traumatized kids and in full glory around the world during the live TV broadcast  - the screams alone from the crowd over the Decompressing Dino are worth the price of admission. See for yourself the Purple One's demise below:


     Here's a PEOPLE article from folks that were there. My favorite quote: "The Associated Press reported that one child could be heard saying “Barney’s dead! He’s dead! YEAH!” 


     But that's far from the only Parade Pandemonium where these inflatable terrors are concerned. There's a whole history of mishaps, as can be seen below:



     And speaking of things going wrong, what would you say if I told you there is a HILARIOUS show all about that very topic? Justin von Bosau told me about this BBC series, The Goes Wrong Show, which ran from 2019 - 2021, as well as some specials, including this classic, A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong. It's absolutely the funniest version of the tale you'll ever see. Track down the entire series, there's not a bad one in the bunch, for for now, enjoy!


     Back tomorrow with more!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 03 Days ...

     1996 - With only three days to go, we're pulling out all the stops to regale you with sights and sounds that other blogs wouldn't dare to show you ... they'd say for good reason ... pfffttt. Oh, sure, you COULD get the feel-good snuggles of Elmo Saves Christmas from this year, but if that's what you're looking for, you've come to the wrong place, bucko! Does Elmo have Santa, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Snow White, Jack (of 'the Beanstalk' fame) AND MS. WITCH?! He most CERTAINLY does not! What's that, you say? Is it any GOOD? Sorry, crunched for time, gotta get the next article up:


           When was the last time you uttered THESE famous words at this time of the year: "Shrek with his pregnant wife Sonic looking lovingly into each others eyes"? If you answered NEVER, well, someone did! We missed Ugly Christmas Sweater Day by two days (mark your calendar, it's actually on the 20th), so here's a different take on our annual look (and hours of fun to boot) - Buzzfeed's AI-powered Ugly Christmas Sweater Generator! There's over 300 posted sweaters, so the more outrageous you can think, the odder design you're gonna get. I tried a simple one, 'Godzilla Celebrating Christmas', and actually got a very sweet design (below):

     Heck, I'd buy THAT beauty in a heartbeat! Wanna give it a shot? Here you go - post your own to let everyone see! Thanks to Donna for the reminder.


     Keeping it short today, as we were out celebrating - too bad I didn't have this cute boy to take along - back tomorrow with more!

Saturday, December 21, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 04 Days ...


     1995 - Believe it or not, there's really not much to write about this year, Christmas-wise. Ren and Stimpy had a Yaksmas special and that was about what passed for entertainment then. We were now five years away from the Y2K projected worldwide computer meltdown and now people were getting serious about plans to avert it.

      So instead of that depressing scenario, let's some you even MORE depressing ones from earlier, specifically "Brilliant Found Photos Of Mid-Century Christmas Parties':




     Witty bon mots more your thing? Then give a listen as those naughty elves over at Rifftrax roast the chestnuts of the ancient holiday short A Christmas Fantasy over their open fire:




     Finally, with only four days to go, you may just be completely out of ideas for what to serve your guests. Never fear, we've got you covered - how about Oyster Casserole and Grits Dressing? No? Slow-Cooker Grape Jelly Meatballs (pictured)? NO? Well, aren't YOU the fussy one! Beggars can't be choosers at this late date. Go see these and 48 other tummy troublers from the past - bon appétit! 


     Back tomorrow with more!

Friday, December 20, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 05 Days ...


     1994 - Get ready to go dark ... WAY dark as we present this award-winning stop-motion animated Christmas short, The Junky's Christmas, produced by Francis Ford Coppola, narrated by and starring William S. Burroughs, based on his short story. It's very rough sledding, but surprisingly touching at the end. Not For Everybody - Discretion Advised:




     What the heck ... in for a penny, in for a pound. Our second holiday gift is ALSO a Burroughs production, this time pairing him with Tom Waits. Hop in the Wayback Machine as we go back four years to 1990 and their collaborative musical The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets - imagine The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari as a musical and you BEGIN to come close to this weirdness. The Wikipedia article below goes into more description, but
why spoil it for yourself? Hit play first!







      Is there ANY way to salvage this day and shed SOME ray of happiness? NOPE! Instead, we're shedding TEARS here as we TRIPLE down with the 2024 John Lewis (UK) Christmas ad which has people up in arms - why? Watch it and read the article below:



     There, there, it's all done - that wasn't so bad, was it? I'm sure we'll have something happy tomorrow. Wellll, relatively sure ...     



Thursday, December 19, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 06 Days ...


     1993 - The perfect Christmas/Halloween/Easter/Arbor Day (?) film comes out this year on October 9th and cements Tm Burton's reputation as one of the most innovative directors of this era. The Nightmare Before Christmas is 31 years old as of this writing and has become a perennial holiday favorite, with its charming stop-motion animation and its memorable tunes and score by Danny Elfman. The favorite song that all OUR friends like to sing? Yeah, you know it ... 




     Now HERE'S a Very Special Moment: Filmed at the Hollywood Bowl on 10/31/2015, Danny Elfman, Catherine O'Hara and Paul Reubens perform 'Kidnap The Sandy Claws' as their characters Lock, Shock and Barrel LIVE after a showing of the film. Needless to say, the audience loses their minds! A beautiful moment for all who love this film. Thank you, YouTube!



     Think we've gone as dark as we can with Disney? Puh-leeese! Since we're already deeply entrenched in the weird today, we might as well let this ball roll all the way to the bottom. Check out this article from the UK Sun entitled 'Happy Ever After? From Cinderella to Snow White and Sleeping Beauty – The Hidden Health Risks Disney Princesses Face': 





     We end today with Shaun the Sheep and the Newbury Coat singers (just seeing which of you are paying attention) and their UK Christmas ad for Barbours ... or is it Baa-bours?


     Our numbers are dwindling as we get closer to the Big Day - back tomorrow with more.



Wednesday, December 18, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 07 Days ...


     1992 - Before we get to today's tales, we must pause to welcome back in those rascally rapscallions Hardrock, Coco and Joe, as we do every year at this time. Longtime K.A.C. followers know all about the Three Little Dwarfs, but if you're new here, read on!


     "On December 18, 1956, WGN-TV's "Garfield Goose and Friends" introduced Chicago area children to Santa Claus' three favorite elves, Hardrock, Coco and Joe. At two-feet-high, Hardrock drove Santa's sleigh while Coco navigated and Joe tagged along for fun. To create the animated short or "song cartoonette", Hill & Range Songs hired Centaur Productions. The company was established in the early 1950s by Wah Ming Chang, a sculptor in Walt Disney's Effects and Model Department who created the model of Pinocchio; and George Pal, a producer and Academy Award nominee. The shorts were produced in black-and-white using stop-motion animation, a cinematic process that brings figures or puppets to life by minutely reposing and photographing them frame-by-frame, resulting as fluid movement on screen." (Chicago Museum of Broadcast Communications) Once these three lads appear, all bets are off as it signals the OFFICIAL start of the Christmas season, with one week to go! Make sure your ears are nice and clean for the earwig that follows:


     There, now that that's stuck in there nice and tight, let's see what else we have today:

      ITEM: What's the scariest line you'll hear from the K.A.C. this year? How about this? "Hi! My name's Noel and I have a happiness!" Sounds innocuous, right? Guess again, peeps! This little red guy from '92 will take your heart on a roller coaster ride in just 22 minutes - I don't know HOW I missed this back in the day, but I'm glad I did! Now that I've caught up to it, however, I'm not going down alone - it's YOUR turn. Do YOU want to have a happiness? SURE you do ... all it takes is one little click ...



     ITEM: Also from '92 (thank the Gods) is another Christmas special to take your mind off of the tragic horror of Noel. Let's turn instead to someone who is MUCH more in touch with our brand of lunacy here, Mr. Bean. Relive his holiday antics in 'Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean' below!


     More tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 08 Days ...


     1991 - "Well, Philip, what do you think of today's K.A.C. story, 'A Sheep's Coat at Sunrise, A Man's Coat at Sunset', or The Tale Of the Newbury Coat'?" "BAAAAH!" "Hmmm, yes, in retrospect, that's what I thought you might say." Since you're already here, why don't YOU read about this perennial challenge:







     We'll leave him to chew on that for awhile as we play catch up with another of the contemporary UK Christmas ads for this year. 'Sweet Suspicion: A Waitrose Mystery' is a cheeky ad done in two parts: the crime and the interrogation (Part 1) and the reveal of the criminal (Part 2):




     Finally, looking for a NEW Video Fireplace Yule Log for your Christmas party this year? Ramp up your party (and the SOUND!) with the NASA Rocket Engine Fireplace! This glow will keep you toasty all night long - the links below include the 8-hour loop - Blast Off!



     There's also the NASA RS-25 Yule Log embedded in the link.  Back tomorrow (after splashdown) with more.


Monday, December 16, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 09 Days ...


     1990 - "Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animals!" Another decade down and already there are rumblings in the air as technology continues to advance in leaps and bounds. Uneasiness in tech circles is starting to surface over what happens to computers worldwide in ten years, with a face on the problem, named Y2K building to intensity from 1995 on. As the world held its collective breath, what happened? A big snoozefest of a nothing, by and large! 


     While it was all playing out, it made a whole lot of people wish they were living in simpler times, when computers were non-existent and you got from Place A to Place B thanks to snowrollers. Never heard of them? Educate yourself thanks to the good folks over at Tamarack Hill Farm:






     Our entries end this year at the year 1999, so on this Sunday edition let's give you a sneak peak at next year's entries, which will cover the years 2000 - 2024. Here's a look back at SNL's TV Funhouse from 2001 entitled 'The Narrator That Ruined Christmas'. Keep in mind this aired only a few months after 9/11:


     Back tomorrow with more!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 10 Days ...

      1989 -  Christmas, you say? Hold your horses, kid. Better yet, hop in to this car while I tell you about a superstar from this year: Toonces the Driving Cat. One of the funniest and stupidest skits Saturday Night Live ever came up with premieres this year, with Robert Smigel 'obsessed' with it, crediting Toonces with his own goofball follow-up, Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. Read the article and re-live Toonces's driving skills below:



     '89 also brings us, fresh from silly shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, the Simpsons in their own long-running series on Fox, beginning with the December 17th episode 'Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire'. The Simpsons Wiki below gives you a breakdown of the plot and while the whole episode isn't online, a truncated highlights version can be found there, too:




     We'll close out today with a classic piece of animation gone WAY wrong: 1937's Gifts From The Air, a Columbia cartoon in the style of another K.A.C. psyche-scarrer, 'The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives'. Make sure you have the volume for this one W A Y up as the Naughty Elves from RIFFTRAX provide their OWN narration to the action!




     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NhqdqHmYnI&list=PLL_S- sMSTL3Ys3wiIh336Fv0WeN3rJr9m&index=13 

      Back tomorrow as we begin our last ten days!

Friday, December 13, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 12 Days ...


     1988 - The unexpected Christmas film of the year that no one saw coming was DIE HARD, with Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman. It still is a fountain of holiday memes, 36 years later.







      Not to take anything away from that tear-jerking, bullet-spewing, heart-warming (and bleeding) tale, but we here at the K.A.C. have one OTHER Christmas tale that we prefer from this year - one of our all-time favorite versions of A Christmas Carol, where EVERY trope gets stood on its head. We're referring of course to the Blackadder Christmas Carol. While we can't provide you with a free link to it (it's been taken down from YouTube and as of this writing is on the Vudu streaming service), we can do the next best thing. Below is the trailer for the show and the Complete Script, which given the brilliance of the writing, is a welcome Christmas gift indeed. True fans will hear Rowan Atkinson and crew's voices perfectly as they read along:



      And speaking of holiday memes, we're WAY behind in showing you this year's UK contenders for Best Christmas ad. We left off with the 'Bubbles' ad a few days ago, so we're going to play catch up with some of the others.

     First up is ASDA's ad showing us how THEY do last minute decorations. HINT: They get a lot of help from GNOMES, such as Indiana Gnome to our left. Link below:



     Next up, Sainsbury's teams up with Roald Dahl's BFG (and helpful employee Sophie!) for a very tasty treat of an ad, with just a touch of his magic:




     Finally, we'll close our trifecta of ads with that champion of champions, Kevin The Carrot, star of ALDI's ads (and improbable UK cult figure) - and this year, seemingly competing for Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible job. As Kevin himself says: "Cheeky!"


     Back tomorrow with more!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 13 Days ...

1987 - Yesterday we showed you the Max Headroom Christmas Carol. You thought that was the end of it, heck, WE thought that was the end of it until further research uncovered THIS: The 'Max Headroom Incident', as it is now known, one of the most successful pirate broadcasts of all time. It happened to two Chicago TV stations on November 22nd, 1987. Before it was over, a bewildered Doctor Who audience got a LOT more than they bargained for! Read (and see) the whole story of the broadcasts below:




     Staying warm in the cathode ray glow a little longer, '87 is also the year The Simpsons begins as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show, including Bart's version of 'The Night Before Christmas':






     We'll wrap up the day going even FURTHER back, to 1956 to be exact and a look at a version of A Christmas Carol that we've never covered in our 16 years of running this blog. It was in a completely different medium: not films, TV or radio ... behold the ViewMaster version! A crash course for viewers who have no idea what we're talking about: 


      Here's a complete look at the slides:


     Last but not least, here's all three reels restored to 3-D! Search your home, if you have any leftover anaglyphic 3D glasses (the cheap cardboard ones such as seen here, either red/green or red/blue), you can get the ViewMaster 3D effect via the YouTube link below. I actually have these reels and it's surprisingly spooky and rather hair-raising (especially the last Ghost):


     More tomorrow!







Wednesday, December 11, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 14 Days ...

     1986 - two weeks to go! Nothing says, nay, SCREAMS mid-'80s better than Max Headroom. For those of you who need a primer on the show, here you go (read them in order):




     Got it? OK, NOW go watch Max's decidedly weird (and rarely viewed today) carol, 'Merry Christmas, Santa Claus' - it's a total earwig, so consider yourself duly warned:


     And if you are still wondering what the Hell you just watched, read below!


     There's not much to write about, Christmas-wise this year, as it was harsher than most, with both the Challenger explosion and the Chernobyl meltdown happening (and if you want to get truly Nostradamus about it, the return of Halley's comet), so this may be a good time to open the doors to some miscellaneous Peppermint Potpourri instead and see what shakes out.

     ITEM: Who was 'A Meal Man' and why is he so popular they made a teapot out of him? Learn the answer to this and other facts about one of our oft-talked about Christmas stories below:







     ITEM: From The Sun (UK) - see the REAL face of Santa Claus, through scientific skull reconstruction! If THAT sentence didn't wake you up, nothing's going to ... NO, no the one in the picture, the one in the link here:


     Back tomorrow with more!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 15 Days ...


     1985 - The Rankin-Bass production company, who brought you such timeless holiday specials such as Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty The Snowman and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, using their 'Animagic' stop-motion animation, returns this year with their final Christmas special, and boy, did they go out on a limb with this one.

      Described as "the most Pagan Christmas special you'll ever see", The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus is based on L. Frank Baum's 1902 book. The plot lets you know this is NOT going to be your typical Christmas tale: "In this story, the Great Ak (voiced by Alfred Drake) summons a council of the Immortals to bestow upon a dying Claus (voiced by Earl Hammond, with J.D. Roth voicing the young Claus) the Mantle of Immortality. To make his case, the Great Ak tells Claus's life story, from his discovery as a foundling in the magical forest and his raising by Immortals, through his education by the Great Ak in the harsh realities of the human world, and his acceptance of his destiny to struggle to bring joy to children." (Wikipedia)

     It's a fascinating tale and a beautifully done production, but audiences of the '80s were having none of it, as it scored very low when it was originally broadcast and, unlike its more traditional holiday brethren, it did not go into heavy viewing rotation year after year. You can still see it, though, on various streaming services and DVD. Below are two articles on it - if you're looking for something new to view this holiday season, I highly recommend it!




     Here's a last-minute photo I just found, too late for our Khristmas Kuties Kwiz. You don't have to do any heavy lifting for this one. Those of you who attended our Conjure Cinema showing of The Bacchantes remember Taina Elg as Queen Dirce, who fell in love with Pierre Brice's Dionysus and abandoned her throne to become a Maenad, leading the women of Thebes in revolt against her husband, King Pentheus. Here she is celebrating a different kind of ecstasy for the upcoming holiday. How about a new thyrsus, Santa? Her old one's all worn out ... 

     Last and ABSOLUTELY least, repeat after me ... 'Meat Clown'! If you're still stuck on what to provide your guests at your holiday shindig, look no further - there's happiness in every slice (or not). 'The sandwich that smiles back! Billy Roll (aka meat clown or Billy the smiling sausage) is a processed meat like mortadella that is steamed and sliced. It is typically served like bologna in sandwiches. Originally produced in Germany but was sold mainly in Ireland.' (June Cleavers Vintage Closet)

     And that's a wrap (in a bulkie roll) for another day at the K.A.C. We'll be back tomorrow, just as soon as we find the Pepto.



Monday, December 9, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 16 Days ...


     1984 - That about says it all for today's entry (and this year, come to think of it)! Should you want one of these beauties for your own, the link can be found here: 


     What about the year itself? Well, those who survived the Cabbage Patch Massacre of '83 were older, wiser and sadder ... two out of three, anyway.


     This year premieres my favorite filmic version of A Christmas Carol, with an all-star cast including George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge and one of my favorite actors, Edward Woodward as The Ghost Of Christmas Present, brimming with intensity as only he can do. As of this writing, it's streaming on Hulu, if you have that service.

     An article of note regarding this version is worth reading, particularly now, which sheds a new light on Scrooge and the story as social commentary:


      Sadly, this version is in the news again, for an unfortunate and ironic reason. If you know the story, then you know at the end (spoilers!) when Scrooge is taken on a journey with The Ghost Of Christmas Yet to Come, he is shown his own gravestone, which is the final tipping piece to his redemption. As the Daily Mail (UK) reported on November 25th, 'Vandals destroy grave of 'Ebenezer Scrooge' made famous in film adaptation of Charles Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol' - link here: 



     Still staying with Dickens, we'll close today with his surprising link to the most famous purveyor of early pantomime, Grimaldi the Clown. Want to know where all that disturbing clown imagery started? Sure you do! Step right up and read the articles below:



     There you go ... now whatever you do, DON'T think about clowns under your bed as you go to sleep ... and my work here is done. I'll let myself out ... see you (maybe) tomorrow!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

K.A.C. 2024 - T - 17 Days ...

     1983, the Year of the Locusts, when Hell descended on Earth in the form of crazed parents for the 'MUST HAVE' Christmas toy of the year, the Cabbage Patch Doll.

     This doll and the rabid riots, fights and price gouging resellers are at the base of the ugly precursor to Black Friday, with footage of a store owner on a counter with a baseball bat screaming at rioters lunging for these dolls. The whole sordid tale is shown in both the video below and a few different takes on when Christmas civility began its downward spiral to outright hostility:





     '83 was also the year a classic holiday film premiered, A Christmas Story, based on the story by Jean Shepherd. I'm SURE you've seen it by now, right? RIGHT? If so, here's two articles of interest - first up, from Vanity Fair, 'How A Christmas Story Went from Low-Budget Fluke to an American Tradition':


     Next, if you think the film exists in its own little bubble, think again, as F5 bring you the tale of 'A Christmas Story (1983) …and the Ralphie Parker Cinematic Universe'.


We'll leave you today with our next 2024 Christmas ad, this time from  Deutsche Telekom. Entitled 'Bubbles', it's a massively poignant commercial that we ALL need to see repeatedly right about now. Link below:


      Back tomorrow!